Ranit Schmelzer

Ranit Schmelzer has worked for more than 25 years at the intersection of communications, policy, and advocacy as a lead strategist and spokesperson in the Executive Branch, in Congress, and in the advocacy world. Today as the President of Schmelzer Strategies, she advises nonprofit organizations, universities, and foundations on the development, planning, and implementation of comprehensive communications strategies.

Prior to entering private practice in 2012, Ranit led public affairs at the Corporation for National and Community Service in the Obama Administration and before that, she worked in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, including ten years as Communications Director for U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle. In the nonprofit world, she served as Vice President for Communications at the National Women’s Law Center.

A graduate of the University of Rochester, Ranit lives in Bethesda, MD with her husband, two children, and one big labradoodle.
