Heather Johnson

Heather Johnson is a founding member of the Impact 100 DC chapter.  She was initially attracted to the organization by the concept of a diverse group of women supporting, in a significant way, the needs of those in the Washington Metropolitan area.  She served on the Health and Wellness committee her first two years reviewing grant proposals and is excited to join the board to expand her opportunities to “give back.”

Heather is currently an actively practicing gynecologist and recently retired obstetrician after delivering over 3500 babies during her 40-year tenure.  She is senior partner at Reiter, Hill & Johnson, an Advantia practice. She received her MD at Yale University School of Medicine and completed her residency training in obstetrics and gynecology at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.  She served in the U.S. Army for eight years prior to going into private practice.

While a mother and nana (she has two adult children, an attorney, and a physician, and 2 adorable granddaughters) and an OBGYN at heart, Heather is also passionate about giving back to her community.  She has served on boards and committees at Columbia Hospital for Women, Sibley Memorial Hospital, Hospital for Sick Children, Mary’s Center, The Landon School, and Stoneridge, and is currently on the Medical Advisory Committee for the National Menopausal Foundation and a member of the Women’s Wellness, Health & Aging Project/Johns Hopkins.  She enjoys teaching and has been at numerous worksites and on blogs and zooms discussing subjects from breast feeding to osteoporosis, to menopausal signs and symptoms to postpartum depression and many more. She has recently published two books for her patients, one on preconception/pregnancy and postpartum life and another on pre/peri/menopausal and postmenopausal life.

“I am looking forward to using my experience, skills, and talents to better the lives of the many in our community who do not have a voice.  I see Impact 100DC as the best way to accomplish this goal.”
